


We offer personnalized services of consulting and solutions for all types of clients desirous of maximizing the use of their information technology resources. Specificaly, we propose research and development services for innovation projects, development of various software tools and management systems, creation of taylormade databases as well as high-tech solutions for computer vision, image processing, machine learning and optimization tasks.


Wheter you want to evaluate new or replacement technologies to boost your efficiency or you need to obtain expert advice for the preperation of a grant or tender request we can help you succeed. Our team is able to obtain the needed information and establish the required elements so you can get what you need at the best price.

Software development

Our experts in software development can code new applications from your expressed needs or improve existing software suites by adding new functionalities as plugins. We have experience in the following languages::

  • C/C++
  • C#
  • Python
  • VB.NET
  • Java
  • Delphi


We offer training services for the software products we develop and also for specialized open source tools and libraries:

  • OpenCV
  • Orfeo Toolbox
  • Monteverdi
  • Quantum GIS


Relational databases facilitate the storage and use of your data. We can create custom databases to answer your specific needs, optimize existing databases, migrate your data, add reporting capacity and much more. We work with the following databases:

  • MS SQL
  • Access
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • Advantage

Research and development

With our extensive experience in academia, we can help you find partners to develop innovative products and solutions. We can provide tax credit and grant request review. Finaly we can do targeted literature and patent review to guide you in your cutting edge projects.

Computer vision and artificial intelligence

We can develop modular solutions incorporating artificial vision for survaillance, quality insurance or object tracking. We are able to create specialized algorithmes to answer your specific needs while taking into account your production environment and defined use case We have experience with projects of:

  • Image processing
  • Remote sensing
  • Imaging
  • Classification
  • Machine learning